Managing a fluid allowance
If your kidneys aren’t working well they may be unable to produce enough urine to remove extra fluid from the body.To prevent fluid from building up in the body, a condition known as oedema, your medical team may give you advice on how much fluid you can have each day. This is often called a fluid allowance. Fluid allowances are specific to an individual as the amount permitted can depend upon may factors.
Useful measures
- Small bowl porridge = 90ml
- One ice cube = 10 - 20ml
- One tablespoon = 15ml 75g
- Custard = 60ml 125g
- Yoghurt (small carton) = 100ml
- One tumbler = 200ml
- One mug = 300ml 100g
- Ice cream = 60ml
- One can of drink = 330ml
- 100g jelly (small carton) = 85ml
- One pint = 600ml
Top tips
- Avoid salty foods (processed meat and cheese, ready meals, takeaways) and snacks (crisps, salted nuts) as these will make you thirsty - and drink more!
- Help visualise your daily fluid allowance by pouring the total amount into a measuring jug and then pour your drinks for the day from this allowance.
- Use a small cup or glass for your drinks e.g. a small 150ml beaker.
- Measure sauces and gravies before adding them to a meal.
- Keep a note of how much fluid you’ve had throughout the day 100 200 300 400.
- Try sucking on small ice cubes to wet your mouth – try flavouring them with cordial or juice.
- Try to sip your drinks, putting them down between each sip to make them last longer.
What counts towards a fluid allowance?
- All drinks, including those taken with medications and nutritional supplement drinks.
- Soups, broths and smoothies.
- Liquids added to foods, whether savoury (gravies, pasta sauces), or sweet (cream, custard, ice cream).
- Foods with a semi-solid consistency (jelly, milky puddings and yoghurt).
- Fruit and vegetables with a high water content (cucumber, watermelon, celery).
- You do not need to count water that food items are cooked in, such as the water used to boil pasta. Just ensure that the food is drained well.
- Ice cubes in drinks.
Your dietitian will help you with any changes your may need to make to you or your baby’s diet.